We live in a World today that has forgotten neutrality. We are polarized on one side or another, this or that, right or wrong. Algorithms support our [narrow] thinking by only showing us what WE think and believe. Social media has polarized us and narrowed our perspectives. We have moved away from being able to have constructive dialogue. Let’s move back to neutrality, together. Let’s open our minds again to the possibilities of what can exist vs right and wrong.
There is a huge cost to maintainig a narrow focus. For individuals, it may be health, happiness, and even functional and ongoing relationships. For business, it can cost you revenue to have polarized workplaces void of neutrality and even cost you Employees. (turnover is thousands of dollars per person, who wants that?)
Find neutral is a movement that addresses these limitations in a very proactive and pioneering way. Are you ready? Ready to get your self back to neutral? Help others to do so? Improve your workplace to bring back excitement and vivacious working conditions to increase revenue? Then you are ready for what comes next.
Self Assessment…
After twenty plus years of organizational development, individual coaching, Professional Legacy coaching and overall HR support, we have narrowed down who we work with
you will have done 5+ years of self-work, growing, developing yourself and/or therapy in some capacity. If you are a Beginner (less than 5 years), we can offer you a lot of resource recommendations where to begin, CLICK here (or fill out form?)
You have been in business 4+ years and are either growing in headcount and revenue or ready to retire and/or sell your business. You are ready to explore the Legacy you wish to leave and how to exit with your clear Legacy strategy in place.
Politicians: aspiring to enter politics, or entrenched within for too long? We work with helping you to fulfill your highest Political aspirations by building or establishing your core foundation to be the best, neutral, Politician running. This area has fundamentally fallen short to red vs. blue and we will help you appeal to both sides by reflecting your neutrality more profoundly as well as solidify a neutral presence more cohesively for public delivery that will earn you the vote.
Redefining Neutral
The old way of defining something is to look it up in the dictionary. While this can serve its purpose for obscure and rarely used words, for our purpose, the defined limitation of neutrality does not fit. It’s like an old favorite pair of jeans that no longer match your body that has changed. Redefining our concept and understanding of neutrality is precisely what our movement and purpose is about. The closest piece of the definition current to expand upon would be impartial. I like to call it consciously impartial. The ability to stay clear headed enough to remain consciously impartial. Listening is a key component. Our World today is so fast to attack another’s viewpoint, verbalize MY view and disrespect the other person, we have lost all sight of neutral. Let’s begin by breaking redefining neutral into 3 categories:
- Dismantle your beliefs
- How good of a listener are you?
- Clarity of communication with ALL
Our mission is to de escalate conflict, improve communication and increase wellness.
STEP 1: Dismantle your Beliefs…
Do you know WHY you believe what you do? Have you spent enough time to reflect internally that the reason why I prefer XXX is b/c of XYZ. XYZ could be a person, an experience, self-constructed, or even come from a repetitive habit. Rha Goddess’ book “The Calling” has this checklist on Beliefs that is wonderful: Click HERE for more on dismantling.
I love that she goes deep into various areas such as why you are where you are today to Source beliefs to self-beliefs. In order to transcend our own limitations, it’s imperative we dismantle our beliefs. This can be very insightful, take it one by one and give yourself the chance to see clear WHY you believe what you do! This is not a race. Take your time, deep introspection is what we are after.
Many of us continue through life with a very comprehensive list of beliefs but do we know where those originate? For example, as a kid, I used to see my Mom eat cottage cheese. The consistency of cottage cheese and seeing ladies at the pool with dimples on their back sides made me create my own belief that eating cottage cheese must equal cellulite! I honestly believed that for many years until I dismantled my self-created belief and now enjoy cottage cheese weekly. Take the time to assess where your beliefs come from, I promise, its worth it. Start small and with easy topics like cottage cheese. When ready, dig into to deeper ones such as “I believe cops are XXX” These self-reflections can be eye opening and the goal is not to focus or correct only the negative beliefs, it’s about being introspective to self-assess with neutrality.
STEP 2: How good of a listener are you?
This is a great article that points out most people rate themselves above average listeners, just as most say they’re above average drivers. Read More
We are not, collectively, above average in both areas. Take a Family member for example. Have you recently found yourself asking “didn’t you hear me when I said XXX?” or “ I told you I had an appointment today last weekend” If we are not hearing basic information from Family members, what about the deeper or more impactful messages our loved ones or colleagues tell us? In a world filled with floating ads online, cat videos everywhere and text messages flooding in, it’s imperative to check ourselves to how effective our listening skills truly are. After all, most people report they simply want to be HEARD more often. We owe it to our communities, workplaces, and Family members to be conscious listeners.
STEP 3: Clarity of Communication
Are you aware of how you do or do not adapt your communication style for varying audiences? Do you tend to speak the same way and style to all? This is another contributing factor to our movement. If you are constantly in a TELLING mode, you might not be at neutral. If you do not feel heard, you may limit your communication and not be at neutral. For the highest level of communication to take place it takes work, awareness, and openness to adjust as necessary. Great information here
Perhaps you have one coworker communication comes easily, and there are never any misunderstandings. Another co worker every conversation seems to be off. What is the difference? Perhaps adaptation of style is required to shore up the poor communication with the second example. This requires maturity and awareness. But why should I a Client of mine asks. I’ve done my work, so n so has not so why do I need to adapt mine. Because if any tool can improve our World, its adaptation of communication styles. This does not mean adjusting your beliefs, it simply requires for us to consciously adapt HOW we say things in order for the not so great relationship to improve.